Dr Lauren Brown
Dr Lauren Brown
Lauren is a Medical Oncologist specialising in breast cancer.
Lauren graduated from the University of Otago Medical School and completed her specialist training in Medical Oncology in Auckland, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2021. Lauren then spent five years working at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, a leading cancer research, education and treatment centre in Melbourne, Australia. During this time Lauren spent two years as the breast cancer clinical trials and translational research fellow.
The latter part of her time in Melbourne was spent working as a specialist Medical Oncologist in the breast team at Peter Mac as well as undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) under the supervision of internationally-renowned clinician scientist Professor Sherene Loi. Her PhD focuses on the biological underpinnings of premenopausal hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. A component of her work was selected for a prestigious oral presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in 2023 and received an ASCO Merit Award. Lauren was also awarded the Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand Belinda Scott Clinical Fellowship and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Arnott Scholarship in Cancer Research to support her doctorate research.
Lauren has recently returned to Auckland where she is working in the breast team at Te Pūriri o Te Ora Auckland Regional Cancer and Blood Service. She looks forward to combining her strong research background with empathy and clear communication to provide evidence-based care for people with breast cancer.