Dr Michelle Head

Dr Michelle Head
Dr Michelle Head is trained as a general oncologist, with a special interest in a number of tumour types, including breast, head & neck and gastrointestinal cancers. She also has an active interest and welcomes referrals for patients with melanoma and lymphoma.
Dr Head was raised in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty region and attended Katikati College. She graduated from Auckland University in 2002 and completed Medical Oncology training in 2011, having worked in a number of New Zealand centres.
Dr Head has been an investigator on more than 20 clinical trials, and has published in peer reviewed journals. She also works at the Bay of Plenty District Health Board, where she has assisted in protocol development in the Medical Oncology Unit. She is a Clinical Teaching Supervisor for senior nursing staff and involved in teaching of junior doctors and medical students.
Dr Head has a strong interest in the psychosocial and survivorship aspects of oncology, and was a founding member of the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Psycho-Oncology Forum.
Outside of work, Dr Head can often be found running with her border collies.